Every year in Belgium, around 9,000 people suffer cardiac arrest, 17 to 30% of them in public places. In Belgium, even though defibrillators are compulsory in sports clubs, this is not enough to save enough people in distress.
Ladbrokes.be, which is closely associated with the world of sport, wants to provide more support and protection for people taking part in sporting activities.
sporting activity.
Through the Ladbrokes Foundation, the company wishes to develop a new social commitment around the defibrillators present in the Kingdom’s football and tennis clubs by launching the HEART HEROES project.
TRAINING: The ambitious objective is to train 5 people per club. HEART HEROES training sessions take a maximum of 2 or 3 hours and are given by specially trained professionals. They are aimed at everyone, as long as they are members of the club taking part in the operation, as well as the people around the sportsmen and women who are present on the pitch but not practising (family, parents, grandparents, etc.).
AWARENESS: Within the sports club, signage will be put in place to clearly indicate the location of the defibrillator and thus answer the all-too-frequent question ‘where is it? In addition, each club will receive an appropriate diploma, and will have elements highlighting the HEART HEROES. A communication inviting club members and supporters to become HEART HEROES, as well as an explanatory brochure, will also be available for each participating club.
The HEART HEROES training courses are aimed at anyone involved in any way in a Belgian sports club that has a defibrillator in working order.
When faced with a person who suffers a cardiac arrest while practising their sport, a HEART HERO will have the right reflexes. They will act according to a clear, orderly process, taking care to put into practice the training they have received. Life-saving gestures.
Source: Zoute People 154, Poeple Mag, October 2023