The “Royal Léopold Club” tackles heart problems

Heart Heroes at the Royal Léopold Club

Heart Heroes at the Royal Léopold Club

On 26 June, twelve members of the Royal Léopold club, “Le Léo” in Uccle, received training on how to use the defibrillator correctly on the club’s facilities.

Whether they play padel, tennis or hockey, all these athletes learned from our trainer Dominique to prepare them to intervene should one of their members find themselves in a heart failure situation. “I didn’t expect it to be so easy to understand. Most of all, you have to overcome your fear of using a defibrillator because it is a bit scary. But once you get over that, it works very intuitively and is very easy,” said one of the course participants, who has now become one of the club’s new Heart Heroes.
